Archive for December 2012

Question of the day

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2012 is coming to an end now. It's been a relatively good year for me I guess? My exam results were not bad, but it could be better. Meeting my boyfriend, doing and going through shits together. Quarrels and the happy moments, I'm grateful for all of them.

I will not have resolutions for 2013. I mean, what for? I don't even remember what goals I've set for myself for 2012! I realised that you may have material possessions, you may have all the fame and fortunes. But you may not necessarily be happy. Yeah, I know, crying in the Rolls Royce is better than crying on the streets.

I understand the feeling of buying something expensive. You feel excited, the feeling of "oh my fuckin' god, it's mine now, after so darn long!". But it will only give you momentary happiness. Like for example your expensive iPhone. When you first got it, you treated it like it was your treasure. Now, you can just easily throw it on the bed, slamming it against your palm when it's lagging. After that you'll just want a new phone. GREED. It's human nature to have greed. Cos without greed, there will be no advancements and improvements.

But what's all these shits without family and loved ones? Would you rather have fame and fortune for the rest of your lives alone, with no friends and family to share the joy? Or would you rather be poor, eat average and cheap food for the rest of your lives with your family and loved ones by your side?

Of course, friends change. Do you still remember who you went out with for last years' countdown? Some friends come and go, most importantly is to know who's real who is not and to keep the real ones. Why have 500 fake friends when you can have just a few true ones?

Okay okay I better stop preaching... Hehehe. After all, 2012 was a good year thanks to my friends and family. My awesome birthday which I received cool gifts like a pair of hello kitty vans hehehe. I FEEL LOVED!!!!!!! Okay I'm lame.

To begin 2013, I've made 2 jars/tubs whatever you'd like to call 'em. 1 for me to write down all the happy moments in 2013 and leave it in until the end and take them out to read. Or maybe when I'm feeling low and that could cheer me up! Knowing that happy things are awaiting and it's not the end of the world. The other jar/tub is to put memories in it. Like if someone gives me a keychain, I'll just put it in! Hehe. I've already have some inside. Like photos of my ex-best friend, even game instructions of the netball farewell thingy hahaha. I know I'm lame but I hope to keep all of them incase I can't rmb or smth hahahahaha. Okay I should go.. This post is getting too wordy!



posted by Unknown

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I can't blog on Google+ for nuts!!!!!!!!!! Gotta use the comp instead man.


posted by Unknown

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HARRO! Okay so I decided to bake some macarons for christmas! But after finding a good recipe and i researched about it.... They stated that baking macarons have a high failure rate. But who cares, I was just gna give it a shot and YEAH YOU READ IT, I failed. Hahahaha damn ugly I don't wna reveal the end product. It was horrible for me. But it didn't appear like poop or what but it didn't look like macarons :(

My batter. Looks exactly like the one shown on the bloody website!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE WERE HOPES FLYING HIGH UP IN DA SKY! Btw the batter rly tasted yummy. I'd rather lick the spoons clean than to eat them baked.

 In the christmas-y feel so I piped the batter into a christmas tree shape. Heh, creative right?!

Last few batches!

Conclusion of the entire failed macarons shit:
I will not bake macarons again in the near future!!!!!!! I'll just leave the high-risks baking to the professionals and buy from them. Hehehe.

Here's a picture of my cutesy cousin. SHO HANDSUM RIGHT.

Random shits

posted by Unknown

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HI, IT'S BEEN LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I actually went to quit my temporary job last week cos I was really sick of it.... But I told them I wanted to prep for school next year so yeah heheh. *cough*.. So nothing much up to these days so I don't really have stuffs to blog about tho. I'll just blog about some random shits as I stated above!!! 


This meat crepe is so darn nice; it's the reason why my crepe's photo is half eaten. Hehehe. Half way thru eating then I remembered to take a picture of it HAHAHAHA. 

  My clinic service chit.. I wasn't sick, I just went for a blood test.. HEHE.

I had a crazy thought of getting this.. TOO CUTE. SHOULD I?!

Some Hokkien Mee. Settled my craving! Muahahahhahaha.

 The collar of a cute dress hehehe.
"I'm a bunny!"

Oh, here's a photo of a Merlion that I drew so many years back and my beloved aunt actually kept it. Hehehehe made me felt super 'awwwww'. YAY, I LOVE YOU.

Day out with family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *_*

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HIHI! So I had a lunch date with my happy family at ngee ann city! Hehehehehe yay to all the good food!!! I was so darn bloated after the meal but luckily I could still stand up and walk. BUT, my tummy was protruding and it was very very very weird as I looked pregnant. Omg, imagine that.......... I kept touching my tummy as if I was pregnant hahahahahaha. 

Yes! We had Chinese food! 

This Chinese tea is damn nice! I think it's called Pu Er or smth like that. 

Baked egg tart! Look at the luscious egg filling. 

Tryna act cool while waiting for the others to arrive. Heheheheeeee.

This amount of food is ONLY just the beginning. Can you see my hands there tryna attack the chee cheong fun? Hehehe shiok...........

Grandma in her cute shawl! 


Okay, after that we walked a little at taka to try to aid the digestion of all the food we ate... STILL BLOATED. But it's okay. Nothing better to do, so we went to drink some coffee at Coffee Club!!!!!

I know I'm very lame, taking pictures of serviettes and tissues all. 

I had iced mocha!!! Coffee with a hint of choco *_*.. AND TOPPED WITH WHIPPED CREAM GAHHHHHHH.

All our drinks! 

Let's end off with a picture of me hahahahhaha.