Day out with family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *_*

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HIHI! So I had a lunch date with my happy family at ngee ann city! Hehehehehe yay to all the good food!!! I was so darn bloated after the meal but luckily I could still stand up and walk. BUT, my tummy was protruding and it was very very very weird as I looked pregnant. Omg, imagine that.......... I kept touching my tummy as if I was pregnant hahahahahaha. 

Yes! We had Chinese food! 

This Chinese tea is damn nice! I think it's called Pu Er or smth like that. 

Baked egg tart! Look at the luscious egg filling. 

Tryna act cool while waiting for the others to arrive. Heheheheeeee.

This amount of food is ONLY just the beginning. Can you see my hands there tryna attack the chee cheong fun? Hehehe shiok...........

Grandma in her cute shawl! 


Okay, after that we walked a little at taka to try to aid the digestion of all the food we ate... STILL BLOATED. But it's okay. Nothing better to do, so we went to drink some coffee at Coffee Club!!!!!

I know I'm very lame, taking pictures of serviettes and tissues all. 

I had iced mocha!!! Coffee with a hint of choco *_*.. AND TOPPED WITH WHIPPED CREAM GAHHHHHHH.

All our drinks! 

Let's end off with a picture of me hahahahhaha.

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